We have setup a formal NCC league for iRacing: BMW CCA NCC iRacing League. In order to participate, please search for this league name and apply to be a member of our league. You will not need a password each week once you join the league and will be able to reach out to members directly.
Track: Laguna Seca
Session name: BMW CCA NCC iRacing League
Format: 80 min of practice, followed by 10 min qualifying, and a 30 min race. (double file, rolling start)
Please note that iRacing is not video game racing like Gran Turismo. This is simulation racing similar to what professional race drivers use to enhance their skills. We also want to emphasize “good, clean fun” and be courteous to other drivers.
An iRacing subscription, steering wheel, and pedals will be required. Headset with mic is also recommended as we can communicate during the race.
Please mark your calendar and help spread the word!
NCC Sim Racing Team - simracing@nccbmwcca.org